Monday - Friday
8:30 - 4:30

(609) 625-1511 

6101 Thirteenth Street
Mays Landing, NJ 08330


Mission Statement:
To provide essential municipal services in the most effective, efficient and affordable manner.

Vision Statement:
The Township of Hamilton strives to be a safe, affordable, diverse residential and business friendly community.
Township Group Photo
 Mayor Art Schenker
Deputy Mayor Robert Laws
  Committeeman Richard Cheek
Committeeman Carl Pitale
  Committeewoman Dr. Thelma Witherspoon
The Township of Hamilton has a Township Committee form of government consisting of 5 Members elected at large and serving 3-year staggered terms. At each annual reorganization meeting in January the Members select 1 Member to serve as Chairman for that year. The Chairman holds the honorary title of Mayor. The Members also select 1 Member to serve as Vice Chairman for that year. The Vice-Chairman holds the honorary title of Deputy Mayor.

Each Member has 1 vote on issues before the Committee. Most legislative actions require only a simple majority (3-2) to pass.

Township of Hamilton Municipal Building is located at:
6101 Thirteenth Street
Mays Landing, New Jersey, 08330

(609) 625-4762

Committee Meetings are held on the First and Third Mondays of the Month
at 6:30 p.m. except on holidays.

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